Monday, December 31, 2012


As no one is perfect and we all make mistake, and we learn from them, it's just up to us to decide what to do. So we have until January 1 to change it or not.

This is the start of a new year.

We have the chance to change the life or keep the life,
that we may have lived in 2012

For the wrong doing's that we may have done to other's
that we can't take back.

For the mistakes we've made that we can't fix or undo
Our Father, Our Lord gives us, a New Year, every January 1

The chance to change the life or keep the life,
that we may have lived before...

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A globetrotter

Chandigarh-Delhi-Bhopal-Delhi-Bangalore & Pune, trying to frame briskly beguiled sixteen accustomed months.Still not sure about ma cons...