Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lonely Heart

"We are born alone,we live alone,we die alone Only through our love and friendship we can create the illusion for the moment that we are not alone". 
Lonely gal
 I was diving into a deep thought since past two hours.Feeling of loneliness was hammering me inside. when we truly realize that we are all alone is when we need others the most..And that was the time when i wanted someone with whom i share my every cipher feelings without any hesitation and compunction.I was feeling like a lonesomething,a stone,a bone,a stick, a stooped figure sitting at the edge of a bed,heaving copious sighs like the autumn wind.My only companion was the inanimate room.I was in the innards of an anaconda without actually being swallowed by that.I choked out,along with a few utterances that i couldn't identify-couldn't distinguished if i was laughing or sobbing.
I have a huge gang of friends but that time everyone failed to fill that vacant space of special one, even my diary too.I was completely deteriorated by my thoughts.Finding myself on a lonely island without any hauling facility.Don't know why i was damn upset.As loneliness is a unitary psycological state,an essence.Novelists,poets,playwrights write their matters in loneliness.Even i love to be alone most of the time but not always...and that was the time when i was thinking of someone,someone very special.
Maybe this is why so many serial killers in world works in just seems natural you and me against the world.Everyone needs a partner,and its a fact.. to reflect their thoughts,to reshape,to spark and to live their life with all the happiness of the world.So,everyone should do the most daring thing,to create stable communities in which the most terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.


  1. cool,your writing is truly admirable.

  2. Always keep a positive outlook.Stay strong and positive.

  3. friends are always special so you can share your every feelings with them.


A globetrotter

Chandigarh-Delhi-Bhopal-Delhi-Bangalore & Pune, trying to frame briskly beguiled sixteen accustomed months.Still not sure about ma cons...