Friday, December 23, 2011

I am confused

Someday,somehow i met with the thoughts inside me...

In our country child labor is illegal,I saw the child begging for food,cloths and shelter
if someone is providing their needs at the cost of labor,whats the loss???
In that case child labor is right or wrong,I Am Confused

Cutting of trees is hazardous for our Earth,I saw the people living their lives at footpath
if someone is cutting the trees for shelter,whats the harm???
In that case deforestation is right or wrong,I Am Confused

I heard the phrase "speak truth in every situation",in particular situation
if telling lie is more beneficial,why not???
In that case telling lie is right or wrong,I Am Confused

At last I am bored due to monotony of my life,wanna do something different
In that case going against the rules and regulations is right or wrong

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Melancholic perceiving

Are girls better than boys??girls do better than boys?girls got something boys ain't got??
If i personally have to answer the above questions then answer won't be in favor of girls.yeah,its perspicuous in Indian realm.Heretofore India was a male oriented country still it is and this continuity will remain in future until any sorcery.In this hippodrome society females are always compared to frippery,they has being hue and pertly persiflage-d by males.
"Many people learn and asking whether the differences between boys and girls came from ,one side they said the differences was dominated by nature or our heredity and one side they said that those differences are from environment,and the other side said that those came from both of the side nature and nurture but i agreed with the last one"yes,there are differences but why we take those differences as comparisons??we can take them as behavior,as characters and as nature but not as their weakness and any sequester.

No doubts India is changing now but still education for girls in Indian society is not so good.Instead  about 70% Indian families are tranquil-ed about girl's education.If there are one boy and one girl in family,they will send their son to reputed school and daughter to ordinary school by disdaining their talent.They have a thought in their mind that boys needs more education.

But if we follow the lines by "The Times of India",we got the reality.

"New Delhi: Boys were once again left behind by the the girls in the CBSE 12th board exams in the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) class 12 examinations, results of which were declared Monday in seven regions across the country.

The pass percentage of girls was 86.93 percent, compared to 77.83 percent for boys, a CBSE spokesperson said........"

No doubt girls are doing good in studies from past three or four years but still they are not getting the perfect laudatory as they deserve.

I can't say that its true for all Indian families.Sundry families are giving best of best education to their daughters but they are too few in comparison of above.

"The status of girl in any civilization shows the stage of evolution at which the civilization has arrived.the term 'status' includes not only personal and proprietary rights but also the duties liabilities and disabilities.In the case of Indian girl it means her personal rights,her proprietary rights,her duties,liabilities and disabilities Viv-a-bis the society and her family members."

As i surfed a link where girls are compared to "Endangered species of India"
Girls in India have always got the respect that they deserved, but they never got an equal status with boys. Girls have been considered inferior and always thought that they are meant for raising a family, look after kids, take care of the in-laws, cook food etc. Most parents, in India still don’t think that girls can take care of them in the future, and ‘most’ is a very under rated word here, almost all share the same mentality. This is the root cause of why so many girls are dying each day.

Here are a few reasons why so many parents in India choose to kill a girl child before they are even born:

    •    Over smart girls – Yeah, seriously look around; are the girls of today setting a good example? Getting pregnant before marriage. Many from the western countries will feel what’s wrong in that, but hey this is India. If a father finds out that his unmarried daughter is pregnant, then he will kill her and commit suicide. So, you can now understand why not many parents would like to have an ultra modern girl. Having bad boy vs. having a bad girl. You can always kick out a boy who has turned bad, and forget everything, but the same can’t be done with your girl. If you kick out your girl, people around you will come and tell you what your girl is doing around, and enjoy every word of the conversation
    •      Useless tv programs – Some Tv programs shows us how our life will become miserable if someone have girls.
    •         Wrong mentality – Girls are responsibility, ‘Paraya dhan’ others property. So, we need to just raise them, waste your money on them and expect nothing in return, just find a good husband for her and get her married. But if someone have a boy, he can have a future guaranteed. Interesting thoughts really, I mean, girls are like an investment where a person put his entire life into it, and finally when it will be matured, he just need to pay a huge amount, ‘dowry’ and get rid of her. So its like pay, pay and pay, and finally pay more and get rid of her, this is not a very good investment idea.
    • Traditions and customs – India has a lot of customs, which are against girls. We have got rid of many however on a practical level, dowry is very much functional.

However, some measures are already taken, now in India you cannot do a sonography and find out if someone expecting a girl or a boy. I still think for a threat so big, the steps that are taken are too little....
According to NGO's-its hard to spot a gal now ,That's because there are only 927 girls for every 1,000 boys under the age of 6. And most of these 927 girls are taken out of school early so that they can help in the fields or work as child labor to support the family. 

Isn’t it time that we put an end to this barbaric discrimination and gave girls a chance to achieve their full potential??

A Dream Within A Dream

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow--
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand--
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep--while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

                                         -Edgar Allan Poe

Thursday, April 14, 2011

E-X-A-M Time

"Once again,this is the time to rid my schedules of fun and the time to steaw in fear.,time to sit beneath the pile of notes"
.."Exam stink no matter the season spring,summer or winter falls." :-( .I just hate exams but this is the student life and in this life we have to do those stuffs,which we don't like at all.So,i am helpless..

Well in short i wanna say that my semesters are approaching so i am gonna take a leave of approx 20 days from Bloggie..(Miss you Bloggie..)

"Things turn out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out".
I have to do my best and for that i want your wishes.. Wish me luck...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Florescence affair

 Lots of the words are about love, good love and not so easy love. So many moments of loving, being loved, not feeling loving, not feeling loved, bad love, sad love, mad love, not getting the love that it feels right to get - and tender love, warm love, steady love but here i am expressing a true love of my friend in my words.

A girl whom i really cares a lot,she dwells in my heart.we are the two souls that share a common desire,same passion.she is a more perfect friend than she.But one topic exists where our thoughts never coincide(and i think never will be),but yeah after listening her story i felt something different and wanna share her story with my blog.

i hate love but she...

I was sitting on the stairs thinking about the training process for my engineering stream.i was lost in a spun of a web(thoughts)when i was interrupted with her sweet voice"Hello Adi,why are you sitting alone here?oh..Were you thinking about any guy??""Nah,not at all,i Don't wanna waste my precious time in thinking of guys".She came close to me and yelled"you are too rude for boys,give them a chance dear,they will evince what actually they are and how much they can care for a girl"."Please stop irritating me,i have lots of work to do apart this silly topic"replied in irritating voice.She hold my hand and told me with tear filled eyes"Adi,I am in love"tears began to fall down her fair cheeks."What??love in this age,are you nuts??you are kidding with me right??"yelled with a smile on my face."No,i am damn serious"replied sweetly."Oh no,get a grip dear you have more important stuffs to do,please its not too late,for god sake wake up from your dreamworld and face the reality"."Shut up,just shut up okay,i am not spoiling my life and i knew it better than you"snapped with a fake anger.Mixture of feeling bob up in my heart concurrently.Oh,Jesus what i am supposed to do now??Suddenly i changed the status of my mind by figuring her mood and replied"I am happy for you buddy and wanna know your story and about your prince charming"(I still don't know whether i told these sentence to her in craziness,freakishness or in normal mood).She smiled with sighness "sure" and started her story.......
so sweet 

" Earlier i never liked him due to his over frankness and flirty nature but when i started understanding him,i found him the sweetest guy on this earth.Then  i felt that we started sharing  a special bond with each other.He make me feel loved with everything he do.He is too smart and his eyes are so attractive which reflects his true and pure Love for me.He use to make me smile by changing the echoes,pitch and gender of his voice.I reminisce about the day we met and how he made me feel,he dazzle me, from near and far.And now, I use to call him whenever i am sad and he just vanishes my every bereaved thoughts in secs.I’m starting to feel that warmth inside,like nothing or no else can make me feel not even the butterflies,a constant smile and happy thoughts,his silhouette(shadow) strikes me too..
No doubt we too use to fight too much but that fight adds more flavor and fragrance in our life.His smell, his touch, his warm embrace ensnaring my heart.Instead of working i use to daydreaming of him and wondering if while he is thinking of me too in his own world.All my goals,dreams,passion hopes,glaring now before me with great anticipation.Now a fiery blossom is blooming,radiating passion,stirring up.Fillings my head with thoughts of him,i feel the pleasure inside me.I have always feared being in a relationship because of my mom and dad,they will never support us as their is a a major gap in his family and mine.No one knows what tomorrow brings,whether i will survive or not .I don't know the future of our love,i just know that i love him and will love him till the end of my last breath. Looking forward to the next time we meet.,
Her story touched the core of my heart and filled my eyes with tiny teardrops and that time i decided to share her sweet thoughts about love with all of you.

I have a faith in god that he will reward her for her true and selfless love.May her Dreams will come true.Wishing her a life full of success,contentment and peace.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Purple Pen on the Purple Paper

Yesterday evening i was looking  for the purple pen on the table but failed and disappointed as that time i was needed that so badly .Today ,when i woke up in the morning and was arranging mah table i got the pen,it was kept at the frontmost part of the table ascend.I felt bad to mahself as i failed to find the pen which was kept in front of me.But after sometime i noticed that it wasn't mah mistake entirely,the background on which that pen was intermitted also matters a lot i.e the purple paper.
That time i concieved one thing i.e for the unique identity and to corroborate our existence to world,we have to do something different and incomparable from others.

Let nothiong hold us back from exploring our wildest fantasies,wishes and aspirations..We have to explore the dimension of the greatness and believe that the world can be won.We have the courage to change the things we can and wisdom to know the difference.There is no place for the skeptic,no room for the doubter to stand.We have to imagine ourself as we would like to be,we should do what we wanna do.Its not about how high we build our dreams its all about how high our faith can climb.
True lines rightly said by Robin Sharma"Greatness is above all else, a state of mind. You need to believe in your potential and power before you can bring them to life. You need to feel like you are extraordinary before you can become extraordinary. I call this "emotional blueprinting." To see spectacular results in your external life, you have to emotionally--viscerally--create a blueprint of your vision within your inner life".
Most people quit after they've struck out or got knocked down a few times.They simply don't have the persistence to hang on when the going gets tough.So they incorrectly think that if they can't acheive their goals after several attempts,then they are a failure and never will be able to attain them for the rest of their lives.
The truth is,if they just hold on to their dreams and persist a little bit longer when the situation gets tough then they'll reach their dreams sooner or later.We should not let our life sleep through our fingers by living in the past or the future.So never,never,never quit.We have to remember that for those who persist,todays dreams are transformed into tomorrow's success.

never quit

Just never let go off hope,never quit dreaming and never love depart from your life....then life is all yours. :-)


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Time Machine

Indian history
I was searching for "All's Well That Ends Well"a novel by Shakespeare's in mah college library,when i found a book "The History of India" by John McLeod."I won't read this type of book"told to myself and cross that Hindi literature stacks to the English literature excerpts and start searching,after sometime i got that intriguing novel.But at the time of issuing book i felt that i was not happy as i was before.I silently stand there for five minutes to know what i exactly want.Something was alluring me and that stuff was the book "The History of India".After finalizing my thoughts i issued that book and brought  to myself.
It take three days in its complete accomplishment.I read about the birth of India,the rise and fall in mughal dynasty,Indians and British Rule,Struggle for Independence,Building of new India and much more.After reading that book,i was completely entangled in Indian history.There was no entwinement,everything was like a crystal.India was unity in miscellany(diversity),had lots of colors in it.
Time machine
"I wanna go back in our Indian history,want to see our famous emperors,want to visit that medley and embellished India"yelled to myself.And that was the moment when i first conceived about time machine.Yeah,i  concept-ed about Time machine and computed its benefits.Time machine is hypothetical word in this era.But what would happen if it come true??wow,Life will become more amazing and fascinating.I can probably visit  the palace of king Ashoka,will see Hitler.We can see the Mahatma Gandhi,will able to read the book of Nalanda Library.
The most important,we will be able to live our childhood days again,able to meet our buddies whom we lost..
Hope someday,somewhere,somebuddy will invent Time Everything is possible in the Science field... Science rockss..

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lonely Heart

"We are born alone,we live alone,we die alone Only through our love and friendship we can create the illusion for the moment that we are not alone". 
Lonely gal
 I was diving into a deep thought since past two hours.Feeling of loneliness was hammering me inside. when we truly realize that we are all alone is when we need others the most..And that was the time when i wanted someone with whom i share my every cipher feelings without any hesitation and compunction.I was feeling like a lonesomething,a stone,a bone,a stick, a stooped figure sitting at the edge of a bed,heaving copious sighs like the autumn wind.My only companion was the inanimate room.I was in the innards of an anaconda without actually being swallowed by that.I choked out,along with a few utterances that i couldn't identify-couldn't distinguished if i was laughing or sobbing.
I have a huge gang of friends but that time everyone failed to fill that vacant space of special one, even my diary too.I was completely deteriorated by my thoughts.Finding myself on a lonely island without any hauling facility.Don't know why i was damn upset.As loneliness is a unitary psycological state,an essence.Novelists,poets,playwrights write their matters in loneliness.Even i love to be alone most of the time but not always...and that was the time when i was thinking of someone,someone very special.
Maybe this is why so many serial killers in world works in just seems natural you and me against the world.Everyone needs a partner,and its a fact.. to reflect their thoughts,to reshape,to spark and to live their life with all the happiness of the world.So,everyone should do the most daring thing,to create stable communities in which the most terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.

Friday, February 4, 2011


 It was my birthday ,i was happy and i celebrated my birthday with a cake and got lot of gifts too i.e dresses,chocolates and blah blah.I had a delighted start of a day with a surprised party given by my friends at 00:00 a.m in my hostel room .Whole day was just awesome and unforgettable.Sweet delicious cakes,enjoyment with friends,special gifts all were memorable.
     At night when i was relaxing myself after a tiring day,  i got a sms at 22:32p.m from my cousin sister that"Dear sis sorry to inform you that our grandpa is no more".i was broken into tears after reading that saddest message and become speechless,completely  lamentable for a moment,threw my cell from my bed as far as i could.After a long agony period i tried to accustomed myself and goes to wash basin to rinse mah face and caught mah reflection in a mirror,found myself horrible with the spread kajal filled eyes.An eternal voice came out of me"Dearest grandpa has taken high  up to the sky and i didn't get a single chance to say good bye,"I am really damn unlucky,my birthday becomes death day for mah dear one". I cried  like hell.
Why it had happened??There so much hurt i am feeling inside and in nobody i can confide.
He was a real gem,a senior most member(leader) of our family.Everyone has a respect and love in their heart for him.His memories are alive.Family reunions will never be the same as it was totally controlled by him.He is officially gone but forever in our heart he will always remain.WE WILL MISS YOU DEAR GRANDPA.. :-( We know you look down on us and  still love us with all your heart,a bond so strong will never break apart.Until the day comes that we cross over too,Our family will not be complete until we meet that day with you.......... we need to look past,and move on,its what  you'd want to every new dawn,Little do we know when we run out of time but we do know you will always be us...

Monday, January 31, 2011

MIrrors....fake reflection

Mirrors,a need of modern society, equally important as spicy foods and Jewelery for women.
People used to say"my life is just like a mirror","the mirror never lies",they wanna show the clarity of a mirror through this phrase.I agreed about the crystalline and unerringly embroider images by mirrors.But still my mind rewinding these phrases and the stillness of my thoughts quibbles that they only shows the outermost reflection and hide the imperfection.A mirror can't judge the internal beauty.May be someone looks so classy in the mirror but from inside hide a different song of ruse.Mirrors can be blinded by the dark .Evanescence of mirror is still doubtful.                                                                                                                                                                      

A globetrotter

Chandigarh-Delhi-Bhopal-Delhi-Bangalore & Pune, trying to frame briskly beguiled sixteen accustomed months.Still not sure about ma cons...