Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Agonizing but catechizing 2013

January 1,2014.One more year passed but this time not in a blink, following  the ray of thinking or reflect on the last 365 days in a buoyant light, its perspicuous the year was a traumatic one.

Although the year started with an iconic feeling as i was on the tour of south India  and visited many temples beaches,memorial,waterfalls,Reserves, and above all a different livelihood.   

Then in  mid 2013 my college life ended. The funny thing is that when I look back at college after graduation, I don’t remember the grades  in some random subject or the trivial fights I had while i was there. The things that stayed with me are the  little incidents and bursts of laughter that seemed inconsequential at that time.
I finally left that makeshift world and now the  friendships which formed that, is now reduced to Facebook likes and Tweets – despite the promises of “staying in touch” on farewell day – it makes us a little despondent.

Spring 2013 changes ma life completely,new city,new people,new culture and a new tag with ma name "Web Developer". Yeah, one of the darkest shade of 2013,i joined in Chandigarh,planned city of India where regrettably i failed to plan ma own life but i must say that was neither the fault of that city nor the people,but sometimes circumstances starts ruling you,actually not only the circumstances but "The circumstances" created by some specific people.I know blaming  others, helps absolutely no one even it makes thing much worse but what if people whom you considered a benevolent person,whom you trusted, always addressed with a respected prefix ,starts cheating on you.Oh no ,what the crap am i writing?? i don't wanna be a pathetic person and letting something eat me from inside indeed i don't give a damn and literally i am over of that brief interlude of sorrows but enshrined good memories in ma heart,memories of Kasauli(hill station 65 km from Chandigarh),new friends,Punjabi culture,programming skills and most important initiation of a corporate life.

Nov,Dec were the reckless months i spent ma most time at ma sis's place,want to delineate the replica of her tenancy but not today,will narrate in some other post.Succinctly 2013 ended with  good news!yeah i finally got some :-) .So New path is calling-It's time to start the new journey.At last,to my circle(fiamily,friends near and dear ones)I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all you have done for me,the encouragement,the support,the endless love you have given me and for offering your big fat ear  and really listened -- silently:)  I know how hard it is  to listen and not give advise that may not work. But you all managed to do so ,i just wanted to take a spare moment to say Thank you. I wish that God showers you with His choicest Blessings, Fate never takes you for a bumpy ride, Cupid strikes you with his sweetest arrow, Lady Luck bestows upon your health and wealth, your Guardian Angel keeps your mind alert and bright.

Cheers!!Wishes you a Happy New Year 2014.

A globetrotter

Chandigarh-Delhi-Bhopal-Delhi-Bangalore & Pune, trying to frame briskly beguiled sixteen accustomed months.Still not sure about ma cons...